The glasses do not get hot and they seem to be stable. You have to push the main wires to the power lead and the grounds. Modding this was NOT fun and the wires can break soooooo easily. But! I can never notice it unless its a COMPLETELY black screen. My unit had one little reflective pixel all lit up. The optics in these "Nebula" glasses are really good for China brand models I have tried.

Screen size is first than quality of optics. The FOV on the Cinemizer's is just too low for me at 30.
#Accupix mybud 3d video glasses portable#
For a portable SBS 3D/HDMI 720p/Bright/Colorful/Fast/No Motion blur/No Burn In/Great Contrast/Compact pair of 3D HMD glasses. The contrast is superb and the brightness is great! The 3D is really good too! SBS on Dead Trigger Tridef really looked damn good. The quality of the screen is 854x480 16:9. These are NOT as big in the FOV as the Olympus FMD-250W. It may be listed as 32, however I feel the screen fills my vision pretty well. I would say the FOV on the Nebula's is around 35 FOV DIAG honestly. These kill those in optics and screen quality. I have tried the Accupix Mybud & Vuzix 1200DX models. I find the LCD panels to be fast, no burn in, best in class : color/resolution/specs/options. I have a huge bone bridge in my nose so this is imparative for someone like me. I have focus it and the image looks nice on all coners. I was able to rearrange the earbuds and get the wires situated with velcro and foam. It is a lower model chasis that was made to fit the "Nebula 3D HDMI" glasses components. The unit is really bad quality in manufacturing. The arms were pinching my ears and made the glasses way too far from the exit pupil. My crappy china video hmd was just not good enough to use. 20151110_024314.jpgHere are some pics of the project I did.